[Sca-cooks] Steak

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 3 12:45:02 PDT 2002

>Anyway, I'm also sorry to hear what you did to a perfectly
>good steak~!  You must like soggy, well done steak.

Um...excuse me? Where did you get "soggy, well done" from
my description? I put some olive oil in a very hot cast iron
skillet. Added garlic and let it brown slightly. Then put
a steak seasoned with fresh cracked black pepper and kosher
salt into the pan to brown the top and bottom. Added mushrooms
around the steak so they would roast and fry/roast. Then
put it into a 400 degree F. oven for about six minutes.

Removed the skillet, the mushrooms were just beginning to
brown and soak up the juices and placed steak and mushrooms
on a plate to rest. The steak was barely medium rare and
the mushrooms had achieved that earthy flavor. The drippings
had recieved the fat from the meat as well as the garlic/olive
oil base and the mushrooms had absorbed some of this. I then
deglazed the pan with beer, added toasted breadcrumbs and a
splash of red wine vinegar. The very thick sauce was arranged
around the plate for dipping, not poured over the top.

I usually broil my steaks but this just appealed to me yesterday.
The outside wasn't "crunchy" but neither was it soggy. It was



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