[Sca-cooks] Injuries

Erika Thomenius ldygytha at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 9 11:37:29 PDT 2002

><<Do you know how long it takes to get the stench of 50lb of onions off
>hands?  With scrub-brushes, stainless steel and lots of pumice soap, it
>still took weeks.>>
>Why do all that work? I buy onions freshly diced from U.S. Foods Service,
>or diced frozen in bags at the grocery. I hate the smell of raw onion
>wafting through the kitchen...


You can buy them pre-diced?  *sharpens knives* I'm gonna kill me a


(Actually, it might have been a budgetary issue.. I'm not entirely sure how
much they had to work with, and (provided you can find some fool^H^H^H^H
eager volunteer to chop the damn things) large sacks of onions are cheap.)

-Gytha "tearful flashbacks" Karlsdotter


Living in fear that someone is going to spot the zipper at the back of my
grown-up suit.

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