[Sca-cooks] ALLERGIES, was Onion-scullery

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Sep 11 15:57:21 PDT 2002

Kirsten skrev:

> i know someone mentioned that you *must* list "lemon juice" as an
> if you put it on the onion cutting board...
> dont forget that if anyone wears latex gloves during prep (as opposed to
> plastic ones, or other types) you MUST ask if anyone eating the feast has
> latex allergy, and if latex gloves are going to trigger it.............
> i know it sounds unneccesary to most of us, but i know folks who get
> bad with latex.... and sometimes the veggies are handled enough by people
> wearing gloves that it CAN be a problem (especially the powdered ones.
> as an example. there is a lady i know who i CAN'T make garlic dishes
> unless i have her double check my gloves are non latex.....

Yeah, that's why I tell folks in my Chirurgeon's article to buy non-latex
gloves, if they have a choice. I was gifted with a batch of latex, so I'm
trying to use them up, but I keep a pretty good stash of the non-latex as

You need to keep in mind, that those who are allergic to latex are usually
people who have been extremely ill, and have spent some serious hospital
time. You absolutely DON'T want to risk their health....


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