[Sca-cooks] Funges as a soup?

Daniel Myers doc at medievalcookery.com
Fri Aug 1 07:06:16 PDT 2003

On Friday, August 1, 2003, at 09:37 AM, <jenne at fiedlerfamily.net> wrote:

> One of the first hot dayboards I did, I included a mushroom soup
> (recommended by others)  which, on later examination, turned out to be
> Funges with a lot of broth. I am wondering if there are any text clues 
> in
> the original that I'm not seeing that preclude it being made as a soup:
> "12. Funges. Take funges and pare hem clene, and dyce hem; take leke 
> and
> shrede hym small, and do hym to seeþ in gode broth. Colour it with
> safroun, and do þerinne powdour fort. "

Ok, this one's from Forme of Cury.

Of the recipes immediately preceeding it in the source text, about 50% 
are labeled "potage".  Not much of a clue, but at least the book does 
include some soup-like recipes.

Now as for the recipe itself; note that it says "pare hem clene, and 
dyce hem", using the word "them" to refer to the mushrooms, but later 
says "Colour it with safroun".  This suggests to me that the "it" 
refers to the entire dish - the mushrooms and leeks in the broth.

All in all, I don't feel that it's a stretch to interpret this dish as 
a soup or stew.  In fact, thanks for bringing it up - I'm adding it to 
my list of recipes to try.

- Doc

  Edouard Halidai  (Daniel Myers)

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