Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Aug 10 22:07:16 PDT 2003

There are fires all around us, but I'm not in particular personal
danger.  There are so many fires, small and large, that the fire crews
are having to focus on the ones that threaten homes and such, and let
the more remote ones go.
There's a lot of them (40 or so new ones, mostly quite small, just on
Friday), and it's very, very dry here (humidity in the teens) and hot
(11 pm, and it's still in the high 80s), and (biggest problem),
Missoula's in a valley that's just a natural "magnet" for capturing and
holding air problems--almost like a mini version of LA.
In a way, we're lucky--it's not like the terrible problems they had in
OZ last year, for instance, because our population is more scattered,
and there's just not a lot of us.  It IS making me long for rain, and
green (even a damp Pennsic sounds divine!).
OFC Question: If a medieval chef were faced with cooking food in a very
hot and dry season such as we're having (or even the very high temps and
problems showing up in some parts of Europe this summer), how would he
or she adjust the humors of the dishes prepared? Would there be a move
towards cooler, moister foods?

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