[Re: [Sca-cooks] Some disturbing news about one of the foodmerchants atPennsic]

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Tue Aug 19 15:52:24 PDT 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> I have been at events which had pretty silly rules, but I followed them
> because I wanted to come back, and I wanted my rep as a good vendor
intact - I
> do not know these merchants personally, nor Cindy Cooper, but if the rules
> were indeed flaunted or even just bent she was doing her job.
> These incidents are unfortunate, I am sorry for the atmosphere that will
> lost by the exclusion of these merchants. I hope these were isolated
> and no lasting ill will has been generated.
> Just my thoughts on it,
> Lady Wilhelmina

I think that at this point, I should add an interjection. Not only are most
of the rules not silly, being in place for everyone's safety and comfort,
but Cindy and the Coopers have no problem with minor infractions, as long as
you discuss them with them. It's when people try repeatedly to "get away"
with something that she puts her foot down.

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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