[Sca-cooks] Some disturbing news about one of the foodmerchantsatPennsic

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Aug 20 10:52:12 PDT 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

>    So gee, guys, if SCA membership is such big determinator, I'm not with
> ya. Phil's Grill is a travelling rennfair/SCA/Faire business - I don't
> know if the owners are members but doubt that they'd view membership as
> anything other than a standard business practise.
>    In my book, kindness and support count for more than membership.
> Rosine/Hróðny Rognvaldsdottir

I agree, very strongly. Several Pennsics ago, I helped one of the food
merchants, Vicky, by assisting one of her employees, who suddenly became
severely ill, and was trying to hide it because she needed the money so
badly. As a result, they told me I could eat there for free whenever I
wanted too- I declined to eat, but have taken sufficient advantage to avail
myself of free ice tea when I'm working shifts at Chirurgeon's Point- I
dislike sweetened drinks, and at Point all they have is gatorade, soda pop,
and water. In fact, this war, we got into a bit of an arguement, when I
bought a sandwich, she wanted to give me my money back, and we compromised
by adding the money to the crew's tip jar.

Vicky told me that she had been an SCA member long before she got into the
restaurant business, and that she had opened the restaurant at Pennsic as a
service to the SCA community- apparently, at earlier Pennsics, there were
some food services, but very limitted, compared to what they have today.

She's always open to hire Pennsic goers, when she needs extra help- in fact,
a couple years ago, when someone's wallet and cash were stolen, she hired
him throughout the rest of the War, to help make enough money to get home,

DeRose's Bread Boule (and Ices) have consistantly offered Chirurgeons on
duty free food, although they were abused this War, and may not again. I
have no doubt that there are other stories, from these folks, where they
have helped without fanfare, merely because It Was The Right Thing To Do.

I think, perhaps, rather than castigating Coopers and these fine merchants
because they live nearby the site, you might instead be glad that they come
to make our War better. And, seriously, just think why there might be so
many locals- after all, is it more sensible to pack up a restaurant and haul
it to PA from Florida or California, or is it more sensible to bring it in
from 100 miles away?

But, if you feel the need to treat good folk badly because you don't bother
to understand reality, go right ahead. It seems to be becoming another SCA

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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