[Sca-cooks] Pennsic Blood Drive

Rosine nothingbutadame at inthe.sca.org
Thu Aug 28 10:46:26 PDT 2003

> >I missed a party? Darn!
> >
> >Rosine

> I did that same mistake over and over again.  It was the kingdom
> of Meridies.  There were several contributors to the cooking of the
> foodstuffs for the event.  It was nice to have the opportunity to see
> some faces and their talents!
> Didn't you come to that one Rosine?  It was Thursday of war week.
> Olwen

   By that time I was in so much pain I barely left camp (the back's
surgical area did not enjoy or appreciate all those hidden potholes in the
roads. Not at all.) I missed everything later than Atlantia's Court, which
coming back from is when I hit some *hole* in the ground that jarred me so
badly I wailed in the middle of the road. (How embarrassing! And how polite
everyone passing us was to let my hubby deal with me "in private" rather
than make me show my face. I'm not a pretty cryer.)
   I missed the fireworks display too, except where it lit up the walls/roof
of my tent. Did you know that the colors of the fireworks actually did throw
colored light? My tentwalls were gold, white, green, red... blue. It was

(better now)

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