[Sca-cooks] wafers

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Tue Dec 9 14:51:36 PST 2003

> Grace commented:
> >>>
> If you are trying to store a large number of wafers a foil lined copy paper
> box will do the trick.  I stored over 1600 of them for over a month, they
> stayed crisp and didn't go stale.<<<
> 1600? How many copy paper boxes did that take? And how long did it take you to make that many? I'm surprised you weren't worried about the first ones going stale before you finished the last ones. Last Thursday night I baked wafers for the cookie exchange. It took me about an hour and a half to make 38 with my iron. 1600? Was this by yourself or did you have an army of bakers and pizelle irons to do this? 1600? :-)
> And which recipe did you use? Was it one that has been discussed here previously?
> Stefan

Ok, now I'm wondering. My sweetie and I once were trying to figure out how
long it would take to make the 20,000 to 30,000 wafers that Chiquart says
to have your pastry cook make, and I was wondering what the members of
this fine list might have to say on the topic.

Using my manual non-electric krumkake iron, on the electric stove, it took
about two minutes per wafer. By my calculations that would be about 1000
man-hours to make that many wafers, and that's just the cooking part.

Anybody else care to comment?


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