[Re: [Sca-cooks] On eating Birds of Prey OT/OOP]

Susan slpatch at mfire.com
Fri Feb 28 10:02:13 PST 2003

Daniel Myers <doc at medievalcookery.com> wrote:
The suspicion was correct.

 Members of native american tribes may obtain an eagle from the National
Eagle Repository for religious or cultural purposes.  The rest of us
are forbidden to own even the smallest bit of an one of these eagles.

- Doc

 On a follow-up note: My paranoid self ignored the protests of the others and
gathered up all the parts, feathers, claws, everything! and took them out in
the woods  and buried them. I was years later told by a friend in Fish & Game
that we all could have been jailed for just what you noted, and that they
would have liked to see the leg-band, if it had one (they track them
apparently) but under the circumstances burying it was probably the right
thing at the time. Now if I see these noble creatures dead on the road I
immediately call fish & feathers and tell them where it is!

Lady Wilhelmina Catharin de Rochelle, House RavenOak

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