[Sca-cooks] Re: Submarine Food was NTC Orlando WAY OP

Sudden Service #5 sudnserv5 at netway.com
Sun Jan 26 06:46:58 PST 2003

    I went through RTC Orlando in '73.  We didn't have problems then with
the bananas then, male mess cooks were assigned to cut them into 2" lengths.
The eggs did taste a little off at the mess hall-it was all the Salt Peter
they added to them.  Still the food wasn't too bad I put on 15 lbs at Boot
Camp, compared to the civilian job I worked before going to Boot, they were
not working me very hard.
    Which Boat were you eating on?  The food on board the Finback was
usually good to excellent.  Have the Lobstermen stopped "recycling" their
old pots by putting them in the channel at Groton?  An old agreement to get
the Nuc's into Groton was that any damage done to the Lobster pots by
Submarines was to be paid for by the Navy, so local Lobstermen used to put
their old damaged pots very close to the channel where the Boats come in,
then when the boats snag them the Navy pays for a brand new pot.  To show
there are now hard feelings the Lobstermen would give the Boat 2
lobsters/man (usually culls or larger ones that wouldn't bring the best
price at market).  The Finback, which is now razor baldes was homeported in
Norfolk, pulled in to Groton once & managed to snag a bunch of them so we
got to have a lobster feast. You know some people don't like lobster?  I
wound up eating as much as I could get in me-it was a grand feast.
    We also had Surf & Turf and Steam Ship Round of Beef,  at least once a
month. We also had steak, pork chops, pork roast, beef roast & fried chicken
at least once per week.  In port we had lots of salads, fresh fruit, milk &
eggs.  Our cook was into baking bread so we had a lot of fresh bread too.
    Now if you are talking eating in Zero gang quarters (also known as the
Ward Room) I will have to tell what the Philippino cook used to season the
soup when he was upset with the officers.  Or about the time when he made
the giant Chocolate Chip cookie for the CO & used half Hershie & half Exlax.
Have you ever wondered why the experienced "riders" eat in crews mess?
----- Original Message ----- >
> When did you go through NTC ORlando? ROb was mess sargent at arms for a
> couple months there waiting to get into nuke school in 83...
> ask me privately about what the female recruit did with the banana...<evil
> grin>
> margali
> you should try submarine food in port...i think it should be against the
> UCMJ for cruel and unusual punnishment, or considered a crime against
> humanity...
> the quote starts here:
> Galley food land based... I'd rather chew aluminium! especially if it's
> the galleys at NTC Orlando

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