First aid stuff... was Re: [Sca-cooks] Safety (now catering gloves)

Gorgeous Muiredach muiredach at
Wed Jan 15 13:57:06 PST 2003

>What should go in it, especially that is oriented to kitchen injuries?
>I realize you enumerate some things above, but i'd like to know more
>specifically. For example, what are the best burn treatment products?

Well, coming at it from an empirical more than scientific approach, here's
what I have in mine:

Aloe gel (great for burns, ideally have a plant of it, though not always
possible in a kitchen you don't live in)
White vinegar (not in 1st aid kit, usualy a staple in the kitchen), also
great on mild burns.  Stinks, but soaks the heat right out (mind you, not
talking about the dip your hand in the deepfryer kinda burn here)
CPR/mouth to mouth mask
Tons of band-aids.  I have found the cloth ones to be the only type that
will actually STICK to hands.  This in turn calls for the following item:
Finger condoms (don't know the proper name, but that's what they are, NON
lubricated...  roll them on top of a bandaged finger)
Feminine tampons (best cheap bang for the buck to absorb blood on a nasty cut)
Bring frozen veggies or the like, makes wonderful icepack.

Those pretty much cover the majority of the run of the mill injuries I've
seen in kitchen, and some of the bigger ones.  Remember, this is, after
all, first aid, we're NOT medics and while we should be aware of things to
do in case of emergency, we should be aware of how to get help to use

Gorgeous Muiredach the Odd
Clan of Odds
Shire of Forth Castle, Meridies
Nicolas Steenhout
"You must deal with me as I think of myself" J. Hockenberry

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