[Sca-cooks] cooks first aid kit- the Chirurgeon speaks...

Kirsten Houseknecht kirsten at fabricdragon.com
Thu Jan 16 08:54:17 PST 2003

just a note.. if someone asks you what is in things before you treat them...
TELL them.
most SCA chirurgeons are very good about this, but i have had some..
issues.. with mundane medical people trying to put Solarcain or "aloe vera"
(BLUE aloe vera, which has benzocaine in it) on my burns.

i am potentially allergic to all members of the cain family.. so i cant use
anything that has them without an epi kit on stand by. not worth it for a
minor burn.  just remember, those anisthetic topical things can be a
problem.. ask about allergies before applying ANY treatment to anyone other
than yourself.....

this is also why i dont carry this stuff in MY jump bag.. even though its
*great* for other people.

but given my allergies, and my nerve damage (which means i tend to get
injured more) i always carry a complete first aid kit
kirsten at fabricdragon.com

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Phlip"

> I always have my jump kit with me at events,
> Most kitchen injuries are burns or cuts, usually more obnoxious than
> serious. For them, lots of cold running water, and a bandaid usually
> suffuce. Those little finger cotts are nice, too, to protect a small
> bleeding cut.
> >
> For a minor burn, cold water is the best bet. I also keep some Solarcaine
> my kit- it really takes the sting out of minor cuts or burns.

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