[[Sca-cooks] OK, I have deputies... now what?]

LadyWil slpatch at mfire.com
Fri Mar 7 20:23:29 PST 2003

"Generys ferch Ednuyed" <generys at blazemail.com> wrote:
OK, this is going to sound like an odd question... but two of my friends
wanted to be my deputies for my next feast. Advice?

 I am that way - actually bit of a control freak, so what I did was decide
what I am worst at - happens to be dicing things evenly while keeping all my
fingers intact, and gave one of them autonomy over all the pre-prep stuff. The
other was not really into cooking but was a willing helper, her I put in
charge of making up beautiful illuminated menu's and a short history bio on
each dish and making sure they made it onto each table.

 Left me more time for my strong suit (pastries and baking) after all the
other work, they both felt they had really had input and everything turned out

Good luck,

Lady Wilhelmina Catharin de Rochelle, House RavenOak

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