[Sca-cooks] crepes

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Sun Mar 2 16:22:47 PST 2003

> Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...
> > Why do you wish to use a totally dry mix needing only water added?
> > Why not just add real eggs? Is it storing the eggs that has you concerned?
> There are
> >
> > things you can do to keep eggs without refrigeration for a weekend, even a
> > week long event.
> > THLord Stefan li Rous
> Simplicity, Stefan. Having several mixes to which you just add water rather
> than having to use specified amounts of water and eggs and whatever else
> makes things easier, overall.
> Also, if you know a mix uses 1 cup of mix to 1 (or 1/2) cup of water, you
> can use a non-standard measure, say, a clean soup can, and get the
> proportions right without having to figure out, "Now, do I want to add 3/4
> of an egg, or an egg and a half?'

Besides the fact that eggs don't divide well. And you can have someone
helping you who is afraid of cooking (yes, I've had this happen). It's
far, far easier to tell someone "Now put two thingys each of mix and water
together and mix well" than "Now, take a cup of flour and two eggs and 3/4
cup milk and three T sugar..."
> Most camps are not as well (over?) supplied as ours is, Stefan. My earliest
> Pennsics, for example, I made do with a smoker grill and a commercial
> cooking kit for 4, as well as my stripped down spice mix kit and ate pretty
> well, but most people don't really want to rough it.
It's not so much a case of roughing it as it is a case of simplicity and
ease of use, and of space considerations. I have a pickup truck, but the
person I commonly camp with does not like to drive it unless it is
absolutely necessary, so we usually end up taking his car if the drive is
longer than four or five hours. And his car is rather a lot smaller than
the truck, so anything that helps save space is a Good Thing.


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