[Sca-cooks] Dayboard aftermath

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Mon Mar 31 13:43:31 PST 2003

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Kristen Skold wrote:

> At 08:38 PM 3/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >I suspect part of it might be, that by the very nature of our events, rather
> >than having a set crew and a set system whereby we each have our jobs, and
> >know how our supplies are stored, everything gets done on the fly, so to
> >speak- we HOPE we'll have someone to chop all those onions, but never know
> >until we have someone chopping them, etc- that by itself can be pretty
> >exhausting.
> The uncertainty surely doesn't *help*, but I suspect professionals have
> grown accustomed to the hours on one's feet.
I know when I worked retail, I could spend 8 hours on my feet (in really
unsupportive dress shoes, even) much more easily than I can now, when I
spend much of my day in a chair.

Basically it comes down to good shoes and being used to it.


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