[Sca-cooks] Changing the subject to fladen

ranvaig at columbus.rr.com ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Fri Nov 28 12:26:06 PST 2003

>All right you scurvy dawgs!
>I for one (and I'm sure that there are many others on the list who are
>suffering similarly) am REALLY TIRED of the Atkins/non-Atkins debate.

I apologize, Lainie and Gunther and everyone else, I should have known
better to get into this.

Change of subject..
Ein Buch von guter spise has several recipes for morella cherries, including
Einen fladen von wisseln (A fladen of morella cherries)

Just what is a fladen? This recipe seems to be more or less a fruit leather,
but the other recipes for fladen include meat/chicken, cheese and eggs
on a leaf of dough.


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