[Sca-cooks] Redacting another Jewish dish (fwd)

jenne at fiedlerfamily.net jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Tue Sep 23 13:11:44 PDT 2003

Among the stuff in _A Drizzle of Honey_, there is one account from an
Inquisition record that looks very much like a period recipe. The quoted
text from the report appears to have been:

"Los viernes fasta . . su ama acelgas sancohadas en agua e despues
ahogadas en aseyte e con cebollas, e alli, en el azeyte, reheruir; e
despues echana alli su agua e pan rallado e especias y yemas de hueuos; e
cozia fasta que se para muy espeso." (Accent notes: the c's in acelgas,
cebollas and especias have the down-hook on the bottom; the i's in alli,
fasia, and cozia, and the second e's in despues are all accented.)

The authors of _Drizzle of Honey_ translate this:

"... Swiss chard, parboiling it in water and then frying it with onions in
oil, and then boiling it again in the oil. And then she threw in water and
grated bread crumbs and spices and egg yolks; and she cooked it until it
got very thick."

I'm a) wondering about 'boiling it again in oil' and also whether this
should be treated as a variant on the de Nola-type recipes where you
parboil the vegetable, sautee in oil, and then thicken the result...?

-- Pani Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
 "in verbis et in herbis, et in lapidibus sunt virtutes"
(In words, and in plants, and in stones, there is power.)

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