[Sca-cooks] hello there

Samrah thlsamrah at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 15:36:07 PDT 2003

Hello, I really should have introduced myself to this group. You guys are wonderful! I'm Samrah, and I have been playing in the SCA for the past 18 years. Palestinian embroidery is my first love. I cook an extensive luncheon for every event I attend and tend to feed anyone who will stand still long enough. This seems to be a Bedouin trait ;o) I do mostly SCA cooking, not true period redactions so I tend to research more into what foodstuffs were available and how they were prepared. 

Since my cooking is informal, although I do all my baking by hand, I do use some other modern conveniences, like baking powder & soda (a bit like duct tape in the tourney erics), but attempt to keep the effect believable--ie, no raw tomatoes, chocolate except in beverages, certainly no modern munchies, etc., in the encampment. While it is probable that cookies were not done much in period (too small and individual of an item), I often make Snickerdoodles with various spice blends for events. Although the sugar on the outside of the Snickerdoodles may well have been too expensive to use, they tend to have a more believable effect than chocolate chip or peanut butter or the more fancy Danish cookies our family does. 

I am really enjoying the recipes and period discussions and the good-natured humor of this group.


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