[Sca-cooks] Fw: [EKCooksGuild] their royal majesties... *blink*

kattratt kattratt at charter.net
Mon Apr 26 20:17:44 PDT 2004

LOL Well my knowledge comes from decorating a hall for the King after 
the Present Majesties had stepped down the last time... I happened to 
attend the feast for the New King... (Logan) and noticed that Cuan and 
Padraigan were also eating.... I asked them later about the feast and he 
commented that our Baron/Baroness, King and Queen, (Logan and Isidore), 
and Himself and Her former Majesty were all on the Atkins diet and the 
Cook was trying to acknowledge that.  
I myself witnessed 3 very meat heavy feasts for His Majesty.   So Yeah 
This is an Atkins friendly rein however they will accept sugar gifts... 
but simply expect them to be given to the populace....
They Do Love Our Works though.....

Elaine Koogler wrote:

> Please understand, I am not being critical of TRM...yes, Cuan and 
> Padraigan are GREAT folks. I count them among my friends. It was 
> actually Ragnarr and Kyneburh I was talking about. It was very 
> difficult to provide food that they both could/would eat. We became 
> very concerned when I heard from their contact about their dietary 
> restrictions. But fortunately, they were quite gracious and told us to 
> cook the feast as we wished, but would appreciate it if we could 
> provide them with things they liked and could eat...which we did. My 
> only point was that it was quite distressing to a new cook to see all 
> of her sauces, which she was very proud of, returned untasted. I 
> understand about Atkins...been there, did that some years back. And 
> I'm currently on the South Beach diet. But, even though she is not 
> currently my student (may be soon...I'm also trying to encourage her 
> to join this list), I felt that, as one who had been asked to advise 
> her, that I should at least taste everything she did...and I made sure 
> she knew that I was on South Beach. I don't think any of us knew TRM 
> were on Atkins!
> Kiri

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