[Sca-cooks] Safety in the Kitchen

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Wed Jan 14 22:22:29 PST 2004

Jane Boyko <jboyko at magma.ca> [2004.01.12] wrote:
> 1.  What do you do to protect yourself in the kitchen from injuries?

Take care, make sure I -- and everyone else -- eat and drink enough to
stay alert. Make sure that anyone whom I don't know to be competent gets
an extra "eye" to keep them out of harm, and point of the dangers (any
potentially hot surface or item is to be treated as hot unless you have
verified that it is not, etc). 

As to knife-handling I tend to apply the same rule as in any knife usage
situation; ask "where will it end up if you slip *now*?". The mandolin
gets a special warning (good for cutting vegetables and fingertips

> 2.  Do you bring your own first-aid kit?  If so what do you consider 
> essential?

Definitely, but then I don't trust most peoples idea of first aid
supplies. Even if the rule that "anything that can't be fixed with a
bandaid should to to ER anyway" should apply I want to be able to stop
any unsightly leaks until they do reach ER. And with one of "my"
regulars being a veterinarian, my SO being Red Cross ("military") medic
trained, and me having odds and ends of training a surprising number of
things end up being fixed on site. 


UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Interestingly, most Unix utilities have a command line option which will
cause the system to rip the user's legs off and beat them to death with the
soggy ends. This is often the default behaviour.  -- Bruce Murphy

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