[Sca-cooks] Cook's Night Out

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Mon May 3 21:46:10 PDT 2004

That's really weird.  I do WW, and nobody does any yelling at all, and 
we don't have "coaches," either....just speakers that organize the 
meetings and various little cheerful types that do the weighing-in and 
such.  As a matter of fact, the whole program is very heavily into 
getting away from labeling foods as "good" or "bad" and into teaching 
you all about portion control and nutritional info and that sort of 
thing.  I can't think of a single food out there that's on some sort of 
no-no list, although some stuff you'd want to eat in small portions.
Makes me wonder if there was some sort of other dynamic going on with 
your friend, or if she attended years back (WW used to have some 
*weird*- at ssed rules, like liver twice a week <blech>)....If I'd been 
her, I would have turned that person in to WW management or whoever so 
fast, someone's head would have been spinning!

M. Traber wrote:

> Beats the h-e-doubletoothpicks out of most diets where if you 
> accidentally slip for your wedding and actually have <gasp> a piece of 
> cake, you are the devil incarnate ... <my friend Tara got screamed at by 
> her weight watchers coach for daring to have a piece of her own wedding 
> cake. She asked for a different coach and was refused so she dumped the 
> program. Smart woman...she refuses to pay someone to treat her like crap=)>

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