[Sca-cooks] Kiri's feast

Elaine Koogler ekoogler1 at comcast.net
Wed May 12 18:50:50 PDT 2004

Here 'tis...hope you enjoy!  It was a great hit at the feast.  The other 
"cool" thing about them is that they can be made at least a week in 
advance and keep very well.  Mistress Rose kept the ones we made as a 
test batch at her house and sent them to school with her kids for lunch!

Manual de mugeres translated by Meisterine Karen Larsdatter (a 16th C. 
Spanish manuscript)

 Recipe for making a conserve of alajú (a delicacy of Arabic origin, 
basically a paste made of almonds, walnuts, or pine nuts, toasted 
breadcrumbs, spices, and honey).

Knead together well-sifted flour with oil and water. And leave the dough 
somewhat hard and knead it well. And make thin cakes and cook them well, 
so they can be ground; and grind them and sift them. And then take a 
celemín of ground cleaned walnuts, and two pounds of ground toasted 
almonds. And while you crush the walnuts and almonds, mix them. Put a 
well-measured azumbre of honey to the fire, and the best that you can 
find, skim it and return it to the fire. And when the honey rises, add 
the walnuts and almonds in it. And cook it until the honey is cooked. 
And when it is, remove it from the fire and put with it a half a celemín 
of the grated flour cakes, and mix it well. And then add a half-ounce of 
cloves and another half (ounce) of cinnamon, and two nutmegs, all 
ground-up. And then repeat the stirring a lot. And then make it into 
cakes or put it in boxes, whichever you desire more.

 My redaction (with the assistance of Mistress Rose of Black Diamond):

 1 cup breadcrumbs
1 cup Walnuts, ground
1 cup almonds, toasted and ground
1 cup honey
1/8 tsp. cloves, ground
1/2 tsp. cinnamon, ground
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

 Toast almonds.  Grind almonds and walnuts together. 
Heat honey until it boils up.  Add the almond/walnut mixture and 
continue cooking until 250º on a candy thermometer. 
Add the breadcrumbs, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.  Mix together well.
Press into molds or a pan, and turn out to finish drying.

 Made 3 doz. Small heart cakes. (We made them in heart shapes to go 
along with the theme of the event...but you could use any kind of mold 
you wish.)


Heleen Greenwald wrote:

>No, my lady, but if/when you get time, I would be glad of the recipe.
>Many thanks!
>----- Original Message ----- 
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					-- C.E. Lawrence

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