[Sca-cooks] Goats

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Sun Nov 7 19:40:34 PST 2004

Chris Stanifer <jugglethis at yahoo.com> [2004.11.08] wrote:
> 'Goat Butter', if I am not mistaken, is produced from the whey runoff during the production of
> goat cheese.  I'll double check, but I think that's it.  The whey from goat cheese is churned (??)
> into goat butter.  

In any Swedish supermarked you can purchase "messmör" (mes butter),
which is boiled togherer whey. Traditionally this was often from goats,
but most of what you find is all or mostly cow. But the more solid
-cheese versions can even in supermarkets be found in all goat! Good
stuff, but a bit pricy. made by boiling whey, traditionally when the
girls spend the summer with the cows and goats on pasture, making cheese
and such from the milk.

> And, if I remember correctly, both goats milk and goat butter may be easier to
> handle for those folks claiming to suffer from 'lactose intolerance'.

Dunno, but at least messmör (based mostly on cows milk, remember) is
very high in lactose.


UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
What was it they were saying about arnold in conan the barbarian.
Oh yes, the lead actor's bust was 42" compared with the lead actress's 36".
		-- Fan Li Tai

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