[Sca-cooks] Gunthar Updates and Thanksgiving.

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Nov 14 16:52:23 PST 2004

I'm drooling, too, Phillipa! (and no, Papa, I ain't gonna shoot you ;o). 
  As a Laurel/Pelican, it's my sworn and solemn duty to encourage such 
wonderful and tasty examples of helium-hand disease!)
I'm probably doing Thanksgiving on my own this year, so am thinking
small.  Probably nothing period, oh, no, I may do that one recipe for
the sweet potatoes that's Spanish? (can't remember, and printout is in
the kitchen).
I'm thinking:
Nice roast chicken, with stuffing (rice, saffron, pine nuts, dried apricots)
Sweet potatoes
Green beans (okay, so it'll probably be *that* infamous green bean
casserole ;o)
Cranberry something
Pumpkin ice cream or custard....

So what's everyone else planning???

Heleen Greenwald wrote:

> My Gawd!! I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I am going to
> cook in the time allotted me to bring up to my son's house for
> Thanksgiving....... (and what will transport well, etc) when I come
> across the menu for Papa Gunther's feast.
> Like a cross between Pavlov and a moth to the flame... I am sitting
> here glazed-eyed and salivating.... tears are coming to my eyes with
> the wonderfulness of it all.... It sounds absolutely delicious!!!!!
> Wish I were able to attend! Phillipa -----

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