[Sca-cooks] A question about knives

Patrick Levesque pleves1 at po-box.mcgill.ca
Mon Oct 18 17:33:52 PDT 2004

On 18/10/04 18:53, "Brett McNamara" <brettmc at gmail.com> wrote:

> A Japanese style of knife that I've suddenly seen produced by many
> Euro manufacturers is a Santoku.  "Santoku actually means 'three
> benefits', which you could translate as mincing, slicing and dicing,
> or that it can be used for meat, fish and vegetables." (
> http://www.cooking.com/products/shprodde.asp?SKU=198379 )

My lady decided to help me start a decent knife assortment, and so bought me
for my birthday the Mac 6.5" Santoku knife. Given that my birthday was
Sunday, I actually only had the occasion to use it once, and, well, I'm a
neophyte when it comes to knife, but damn! that baby does chop! She also got
me a 10,5" roast knife (same brand).

(And it has of course already taught me to have some respect for it :-))

This discussion has actually prompted me to do a bit of research on the net
on knife; I think I'll stick to the bit of advice given earlier (that is:
don't stick to one brand, but find knives you're comfortable with - and I
forgot who to quote for that, sorry)

All of this has also raised a question in my mind, given that I have one
young child already, and hopefully one or two more to come eventually.

Given that if I'm smart enough to find it, a 5-year old can get there before
I will...

Where and How do you guys store your knives to prevent children from messing
around with them?

(I still have a few months ahead of me as Victor is not even able to access
the kitchen yet, but that will surely change soon!!!)


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