[Sca-cooks] Re: OT- KIlts at war

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Tue Sep 21 07:57:33 PDT 2004

Hell yes, we have pirates in Arrrrtemisia! (it's the attitude, after 
all, and nothing to do with actually having access to large bodies of 
water, although the kingdom borders do include the Great Salt Lake, near 
the Barony of Loch Salann, and Flathead Lake [largest freshwater body 
west of the Mississippi] near my home barony of Sentinels' Keep.)
There's an official bunch of them in the kingdom now, styling themselves 
as the Royal Navy.  Funny bit of schtick at Coronation a couple of 
weekends ago involving them--King Reinmar says that the next time they 
come to court, they must be in some sort of boat!
And my barony used to house a nest of the scurvy varmits--called 
themselves "The Landlocked Pirates of Sentinels' Keep," and were 
bankrolled by a Certain Persian Gentleman Who Greatly Resembles the 
Current Italian Gentleman & Gamester, Master Don Niccolo...
We have sheep, too, and all the requisite sheep jokes, although they can 
frequently be targeted at the folks in North Dakota (uh, Northshield?)
--maire ("Cookie" on the ship in me old days, arrr....), who's already 
*AT* the Rock with the rum firmly in hand (hot rum punch, anyone?)

Laura C. Minnick wrote:

> Stefan, to clarify just a bit, here in An Tir we know too much about 
> Scots, and Sheep, and what wool smells like when it's been raining all 
> weekend. It's enough to send you down to the Jolly Roger for a drink or 
> twenty, and then you have to make up a story when you get home for why 
> your words are slurred, your pockets empty, and what looks like parrot 
> caca on your shoulder.
> Pirates are just as believable as any other story, ain't it?
> Do they have pirates in ARRRRRtemisia?
> (I'll bet they have rum at the Rock, which is where I'm heading!- 'Lainie)

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