[Sca-cooks] It Sounds Like...

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 10 12:56:05 PST 2005

Well, I have been looking this up in the OED and found some interesting things:

First off "Bugger" is not an acceptable equivalent of the "F"
word.  It is a varient of it, meaning to "F" with a man or
to do it anally.  Interestingly the word "bugger" is a variant
of "Bulgar" and apparently goes back to the 11th century to a group of Bulgarian heretics who were
believed to do all sorts
of abominable practices.

Bogey [actually Bogy] is a variant of Boggle or boggard and 
comes from the northern parts of England; i.e. Westmoreland, Lancashire, Cheshire, Yorkshire, and
the north midlands.  
It means a spirit or a goblin.

Bogey is a golf term and so is Bogey Man.

Bogy/bogie/bogey as a piece of snot goes back to 1937 according
the OED.

But they don't list booger.  But Webster's does.  

Bogey man is also the monster under the bed or in the closet.
But only in Webster's.

Boogie is a perjorative term for a black man.  Although how it
changed to boogie as in partying or boogie-woogie they don't 
say, but I have a feeling it is connected.


--- Simon Hondy <scholari at verizon.net> wrote:

> Booger equating to nasal phlegm, and the equivalent of bogey in the UK.  Yes
> the Harry Potter books use bogey as in one of the flavors of Bertie Bott's
> Any Flavor Jelly Beans "there are Bogey flavored ones"  or as Ron said, and
> in the movie, "Oh... I think I got a bogey flavored one"
> Booger can be thought of the polite company term for bugger.
> Bugger being a lot more acceptable than the obvious base "F" word.
> Bugger is also tends to be thought of as a more U.K. type word which is
> finding uses in the U.S.
> Boogers are boogers the world over, pronounced with a long "O" or  short
> "O".  If pronounced with a "U" as in the word "bug" then it no longer means
> the nasal mucus, and if being used to mean that some one's pronunciation
> needs to be corrected.
> My only basis in the knowledge of this is 10 years of world travel immersed
> in base human colloquialisms, AKA I talk like a sailor.
> Simon Hondy
> "Cum Omni humilitate
> faciant ipsas artes"
>   -St. Benedict
> >
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