Challenging beliefs RE: [Sca-cooks] cordials

Susan Fox selene at
Thu Dec 22 11:14:35 PST 2005

Nick Sasso wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>I was later informed that I should have basically said,
>>"That's interesting, do you have any documentation I
>>haven't found? I'd love to know about that."
>>Well, I guess that's why I'll never be a Laurel.  :-D
>>I need to work on that diplomatic statement thing.
>I have found that people (including myself) are often passionately attached
>to their beliefs about their favorite topics.  I find challenging their
>beliefs is often like discussing with some Christian conservatives the
>similarity of the Last Supper to ritual cannibalism in other cultures.  You
>get reactions from looks of disbelief to physical violence upon your person.
>Asking them for their source or a little detail about what time and place
>they are talking about can pull the curtain back a little and challenge
>without confrontation.  Sure, you don't HAVE to avoid confronting since
>you're a king-level-type fighter, but it can appear more graceful when you
>want to.  Then there is the other end of the spectrum that leads to the
>label of "period-police" or "garb-nazi".
>Heck! Have fun and pull back the darkness . . . you seem to have a knack for
>humanness when you're out there asking the good questions.

I'm the opposite kind of a peer.  Maybe it's a Pelican thing?  C'mon, 
teach me something new!  Every human being under the sun knows at least 
one thing that I do not.  Yet.

" Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story."
       --DESIDERATA, Max Ehrmann

Selene C.

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