[Sca-cooks] The Lemon Question (not related to Anime FanFic)

Martin G. Diehl mdiehl at nac.net
Sun Feb 6 18:56:35 PST 2005


Here is another aproach to questions about the use of 
lemons in our period of study.  

On websites that discuss or offer verjus, I have seen 
comments about when lemons were introduced into Europe.  

I asked my buddy Google to tell me which internet 
documents meet these search criteria: 

	verjuice lemon|lemons crusade|crusades 

The search responded with 31 entries -- use the following 
URL to see those 31 search citations.  

"Results 1 - 31 of 31 for verjuice lemon|lemons crusade|crusades"; 

These may help with the question.  

BTW, one of these websites claims that 

	The Verjuice Co.
	... The art of producing and using verjuice was 
	lost during the Middle Ages when the Crusades 
	introduced lemons to France and other Mediterranean 
	fruit and wine ... 

This one seems more than a little odd to me as verjuice is 
mentioned by Platina; "On Right Pleasure and Good Health"; 
Tr. Mary Ella Milham; hardcover ... 

BTW, many thanks to Devra ... I bought my copy of this 
wonderful book from her at at a Guilded Pearl event in the 
Barony of An Dubhaigeainn.  

Continuing ... AFAIK, the crusades occured between 
1096 and 1270 and Platina is 1421 to 1481.  

	Bartolomeo Platina

	Originally named SACCHI, b. at Piadena, near Mantua, 
	in 1421; d. at Rome, 1481. He first enlisted as a 
	soldier, and was then appointed tutor to the sons of 
	the Marquis Ludovico Gonzaga. In 1457 he went to 
	Florence, and studied under the Greek scholar 
	Argyropulos. ... 

"Bartolomeo Platina"  /Catholic Encyclopedia / New Advent site; 

IOW, this may be a warning about the validity of internet 


Martin G. Diehl


Reality: That which remains after you stop thinking about it.
  inspired by P. K. Dick

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