[Sca-cooks] Noty or Notye

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Wed Feb 2 21:21:51 PST 2005

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius <adamantius.magister at verizon.net> [2005.02.01] wrote:
> To me, the biggest unanswered question in all of this is what effect 
> the hazel leave puree will have: although we do have cattails locally 
> here, I don't know if we have hazel trees, what their leaves look 
> like, whether they're bright green like parsley, a muted green like 
> sage, highly flavored, astringent, sour like sorrel, or what, and 

They are palish green, a bit paler than birch.

> these unknowns are obviously going to make a big difference in the 
> character of the final dish. I assume that, since the recipe cautions 
> us to use young leaves, and since we have to pound and strain them, 
> the "young" qualifier has something to do with the flavor or the 
> content of some chemical (maybe tannins or some such) present in the 
> leaves.

Most leaves are nice and sweet when young, but get bitter when they get
older. Just like lettuce.

> Anybody have a hazel tree in the yard, and wanna go out and taste a 
> leaf or two for scientific purposes?

I'll let the people in Oz answer that question directly, and kindly ask
the good urbanized master to gou out and pick a fresh, young leaf from
the cattails he is so fond of mentioning.

 who thinks global warming will allow him to plant hazels, but it *is*
 touch and go here

UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
All extremists should be taken out and shot.

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