[Sca-cooks] Noty or Notye

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Wed Feb 2 21:42:33 PST 2005

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius <adamantius.magister at verizon.net> [2005.02.01] wrote:
> separate translation-into-modern-English stage. The real trouble is 
> when I'm tired and start tacking "for to make" such-and-such onto the 
> beginning of modern recipes, and chiffonade that chervil until yt be 
> ynow.

For to make hollandaise. Nym a quantite fresh butter of kine & melt him
in a pot and lat it kele.  Take zolks of ayren and fresh water & beat
them together in a potte until they be thick ynow & put þerto the clear
layer of the butter to the ayren and myng it wel but lat not seeþ after.
Pour sour juice of lemons or of vynegur thereto & serve it forth.

Awaiting the flames from the linguists,


UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Two's company. Three or more is a breach of the Sexual Offences Act 1967

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