[Sca-cooks] Noty or Notye

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Fri Feb 4 21:02:05 PST 2005

Robin Carroll-Mann <rcmann4 at earthlink.net> [2005.02.05] wrote:
> >For to make hollandaise. Nym a quantite fresh butter of kine & melt him
> >in a pot and lat it kele.  Take zolks of ayren and fresh water & beat
> >them together in a potte until they be thick ynow & put þerto the clear
> >layer of the butter to the ayren and myng it wel but lat not seeþ after.
> >Pour sour juice of lemons or of vynegur thereto & serve it forth.

> Not a linguistic flame (not a flame, actually), but a culinary comment.  

Ahh, but I would love to get several such recipies written in at least
passable ME[1]. Unfortunately, these days I'm too cynical, else I would
then publish them in the April 1 issue of some newsletter, with a border
consisting of unicals saying "this is a <copulating> joke" over and
over. But I now know that it despite any such measures would take less
than a year before someone used them as documentation for their feast.

> I would be *very* surprised to see lemon juice in a recipe written in 
> Middle English.  

I know (my memory aside, the ebook versions of the Two 15th Century
Cookbooks and Forme of Cury manuscripts are great for quick searching),
and I expect that verjuice would be an excellent alternative to lemon
juice in an hollandaise.


[1] Corn on the cob, stuffed turkey...

UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Thank God I'm an atheist.

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