[Sca-cooks] RE: Midrealm News Regarding Cooks

Louise Smithson helewyse at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 7 08:57:19 PST 2005

Whoops confusion abounds.  They elevated two laurels at candlemas.  Emmelyne for silkwork, she raises her own silkworms and spins the silk.  She was put on vigil in the morning and elevated after court. 

Rachaol, was put on vigil after feast (when she had finished working) and elevated in court a mere hour later.  Rachaol is a darned good period cook.  She uses period recipes, redacts them herself and makes them tasty.  

I can't speak about how cooking laurels were looked at previously (because I was only elevated last September myself).  You can be a cook who makes damn fine food, but if you aren't going that extra distance and using period recipes or at least researching the food of the location/time and trying to come up with appropriate foods based on available sources then I would say you are not Laurel level.  It is like saying that someone can become a Laurel for needlework by using a sewing maching, or a C&I laurel by using a color printer.  IMHO using original sources, doing the research, making the food, running the feast is what makes a cooking laurel a cooking laurel.  A good cook is just that. 

That's very cool, it's always good to see another cooking laurel.
One question, is Emmelyne a "period cook" or a "just darned good
food" cook. I'm just kind of doing a study on how the aspects of
the SCA is changing especially in the aspect of period over practical.

Mainly, and this is a question I ask of the Laurels on this list as well, 
Laurels now looked at more closely for their period works than earlier?
Or is it about the same as in the past?

Just a topic for discussion.


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