[Sca-cooks] Perioid versus period

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 21:53:23 PST 2005

--- Phlip <phlip at 99main.com> wrote:

> So, if you can, could someone please explain to me why the period aspect of
> the food is so scary? 

Well, I can give you two reasons off the top of my head why a lot of new SCA cooks are hesitant to
plunge into period foods...

1) The recipes.  Many of them are almost unintelligible to someone who does not have experience
with them.  Very few list ingredient amounts which a new cook can understand.  Fewer still list
techniques which are immediately identifiable to a novice cook.  The modern redactions are under
debate most of the time, and this will lead to number 2...

2) If a new cook chooses the wrong redaction, by the wrong author for the group they are cooking
for, they face the possibility of ridicule.  Just calling a spade a spade here.

William de Grandfort

> Saint Phlip,

Through teeth of sharks, the Autumn barks.....and Winter squarely bites me.

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