[Sca-cooks] wow kitchen

Bill Fisher liamfisher at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 14:01:59 PST 2005

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:51:36 -0600, Michael Gunter
<countgunthar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Help identifying these wondrous objects would be greatly appreciated.
> >Thanks!
> >Aoghann
> Well I spotted a convection oven, two or three broiler ovens, a
> large gas stove with ovens, a deep fryer, a warming/rising cabinet,
> an ice maker, professional dishwasher.
> And a nice outdoor grill.
> Gunthar

Looks like a grill top next to the gas stove.

Hrm, those Vulcans look like pizza ovens to me, not broilers.  
Then again I am thinking Salamander when I think broiler....
Oh, the things I could do in there :-)  *schemes*


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