[Sca-cooks] Fw: More gerbil madness

Craig Jones drakey at webone.com.au
Tue Feb 22 14:58:36 PST 2005

> So, there you have it. Wherever your friend got the recipe, it was
> essentially ripped off from "Soup for the Qan", with some minor stuff
> added
> and changed so that it might "look" authentic.

And I'm really glad of this... I already have a lot of trouble
convincing friends and household to try Mongolian food.  Serving up
gerbils (not that you can get marmots, gerbils, or hamsters here at all
(rabbits were bad enough, small rodents would probably breed here like
tribbles) is likely to push the whole lot screaming over a culinary

I've just got them eating the nicer recipes from ASFTQ and drinking
kumiss (bastardized from Cow's milk). Gerbils? Nyuh...


Ps.  Have been quiet lately - have a 9 week old golden Labrador puppy
(Digby - after Sir Kenelm - Not my 1st choice, I wanted phydeaux) who's
taking up ALL my energies at this time... 

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