[Sca-cooks] Electric knives

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Thu Jan 13 10:12:59 PST 2005

Bill Fisher <liamfisher at gmail.com> [2005.01.13] wrote:

> I forget exactly how I gashed up my hand, but they fired me for it, but
> also gave me my whole summer's pay as well.  

They fired you for getting hurt on the job? A good way to give employees
an incentive to not get hurt.

> (bones heal, chicks dig scars, pain is temporary)

Ahh, that is perhaps a better rationalization for scars than my current
one ("depressed teenagers cut their wrists using razorblades, a real man
uses a handforged axe"). I even missed all bones, all major blood
vessels, all sinews, and all but some surface afferent nerves.  Just a
nice scar and the ability to chose between the the standard story and
the macho one ("just some idiot with an axe...").

Actually that is the major one. Most of the rest is a set of fine white
lines on my left hand. Described by a friend with a similar set as
"woodcarvers disease".


UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
The nakedness of woman is the work of God.  -- William Blake

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