[Sca-cooks] "Trial By Fire" Ad (cooking competition!)

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Mon Jun 20 22:36:09 PDT 2005

Last I checked, Bright Hills in on the East Coast, more or less 
(certainly that time zone), which hardly makes it MidRealm.  And I'm in 
Artemisia, where we certainly have our quirky traditions, but also a 
fair modicum of laissez-faire-ness about the whole "define SCA time 
period" conundrum, which mostly reminds me of the all-night arguments 
about The Meaning of Life I had in college.  Interesting, but of 
ultimately little consequence.
So I really don't "get" your tetchiness about someone's rules for a 
competition that probably doesn't come near to applying to you.  Is it a 
particular sticking point (not made exactly clear, but perhaps assumable 
from the irascible tone of voice), or are you just using this as a 
soap-box from which to speak about your particular version of what is, 
or isn't "period?" Because really, no matter how many times I've gone 
back and re-read Olwen's post, I still don't find anything in there that 
states that the time period the SCA covers is 650-1650, or any other 
combination of dates, however silly or serious.  650-1650 is merely the 
dates established *for this contest!*
--Maire,straight out of 14th c. Ireland, who doesn't wear 17th c., and 
who doesn't know what a zipper is, although she's seen some mighty 
strange clothing customs in this new land....

Phlip wrote:
> Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...
>>Oh for heaven's sake, Phlip.  It's their contest, and they can set any
>>parameter they want to.  Geez, chill, huh?
> Yes, it's their contest, and they can do anything they like, and it's my
> life, and I can attend or participate in any contest I like. But, shall I
> boycott their contest because I don't like their rules, or shall I tell them
> honestly that I don't like their rules, and why?
> As it happens, I don't particularly like the extension of our period to 1650
> either- that IS against Corpora, but I didn't worry about that. What has me
> upset, though, having come from the MK, is that when this sort of limitation
> becomes common enough, people actually think that that IS what the rules
> state. They don't, and the MK made me very tired of people telling me _I_
> was OOP, as they stood there in their 17th century garb, with the zippers.
> Saint Phlip,
> CoD
> "When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
>  Blacksmith's credo.
>  If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a
> cat.
> Never a horse that cain't be rode,
> And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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