[Sca-cooks] Books

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Sun Jun 26 06:09:55 PDT 2005

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> So I don't have to keep mooching off of all your hard work, perhaps a few
> tips on how to find out about these texts existing and how to find others
> their type?

Hie thee to the Florilegium (www.florilegium.org) and keep listening here.
We have a number of libraians on this List, and they're always looking, and
at this point we have a number of people with a strong interest in Medieval
cooking, who have made contacts with various serious cooks and authors, who
keep us informed on what their latest publications are.

I, for example, had made friends with Paul Buell on a scholarly Byzantine
history List, so I had the fun of announcing his "Soup for the Qan" when it
came out. And, later, since I've been proofing his books, I was able to
suggest adding recipes from "Soup" to his "Dictionary of the Mongol Empire",
and, later, discuss with his co-author, Gene Anderson, joining this List (he
decided not, since it's so high traffic) and guide him over to the Authentic
Cooks List. And, I'm definitely not the most serious cook here (too many
other things to play with).

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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