[Sca-cooks] Ancient rice pudding used as mortar for walls

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 2 10:43:04 PST 2005

I'll have to let Sheik Abdul know that there is historical precedence for 
using rice in fortifications.  During the Southeast Asian Wargames, his 
outfit wound up receiving a rice ration of about two pounds (dry) or more 
per man per day from a deal that was being used to pay off a Vietnamese 
general.  It was unlawful to give it away and it was more than they could 
eat, so they packed it into the fortification sandbags, with the consequence 
that during the monsoon the rice expanded, split the bags, and left a 
horrendous mess where the walls once stood.


> http://tinyurl.com/3wl6l
> Rice Pudding used as mortar in ancient Chinese fortifications (confirmed
> through scientific analysis) and maybe also in the Great Wall (oral
> history to be confirmed).
> Sharon

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