[Sca-cooks] Homecomings Present and Past, a Personal View

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 22:34:58 PST 2005

--- Wanda Pease <wandap at hevanet.com> wrote:
> Food? Now that is certainly On Topic.  What kinds of food are you sending
> him?  Bitching is what got armor dug out for the Oregon National Guard
> trucks so don't be afraid to write to your Congressmen and Senators.  That's
> what we pay them for!  To look out for the Nation.

I had not been reading this thread, so my comments may seem a bit late and out of date.

That having been said....

God Speed to all our valiant heroes, both at home and abroad, who put their very lives on the line
each and every day to ensure that our way of life does not perish from the Earth.  Kudos and
Accolades, as well, to all of the heroes of ALL civilized nations, who protect our world from
barbarism and despotism, tyrrany and terrorism.  I may not always agree that military action is
the best method for achieving some of our goals, but I will always respect and admire those who
answer their country's call without question, and with loyalty and duty.

Now, what can we do to make sure that those same heroes do not go hungry in the field, and stink
to high heavens because they cannot get any friggin' deodorant??  And, what kinds of foods
can/should we send, if we are in a position to do so??  Certainly not Cuskynoles, but perhaps
another option?

William de Grandfort

P.S. My comments above apply equally and with the same amount of respect to those non-military
defenders of health, welfare and the common man...Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, Linemen,
Postal workers, etc...

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