[Sca-cooks] Writing & speaking early-Middle English

Samrah auntie_samrah at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 16:01:07 PDT 2005

I would have to agree with Julian on this one....  Beginning attempts are important and should be encouraged in all SCA pursuits.
When I joined the SCA 20 years ago (yes, I know I am a "youngster" compared to many of you), it was explained to me that it was important to make your best attempt at medieval life.  It seems as the years pass, there is more and more emphasis placed on research and exact reinactment, and personnas go more and more neglected.  
At this point, at least here, either most SCA folk don't have a personna or it is so neglected that you have to ask them what it is.  Conversations at Events are definiately 21st century for the most part, and make it more difficult for those of us who chose to enjoy the current Middle Ages to stay on topic.  I, for one, would rather deal with the Scadian references to e-pigeons and magical boxes (computers) than the thoughtless mundane speech we deal with on a regular basis, especially by folks old enough (in our Society) to know better.
Although it never happens at Events, many on this list have made efforts to belittle those of us to whom personna is important.   The SCA is many different things to different people.  Perhaps we should give each other a bit more respect and breathing room.
In service to the Dream,
PS  On a more cheerful note, Dearest Mistress Selene, speak for yourself about those really old knights....  I love seeing them fight...  Hugs, Sam

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