[Sca-cooks] List Dictator

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 9 10:39:22 PDT 2006

>Well, that's part of the problem isn't it?  Shouldn't this be *everybody*'s 
>list, not just "Papa's"?  One person gets pissed off and can arbitrarily 
>kick people off, delete messages or shut down the list completely?  
>Shouldn't decisions (rare though they may arise) be made by the entire 
>group directly or a smaller body of directly elected representatives?  Just 
>a few thoughts.

I understand and appreciate your thoughts on this, but I must
differ. As other people have said, this IS my list and I've been
running it for a crazy long time. I try to be a benevolent despot
and don't really post much anymore. I kind of let the inmates
run the aslylum as it were. But this is still my list and I have very
few rules. The first and foremost is that people treat each other
with respect. You can have differing opinions and get rather
passionate about them as long as things are presented in a proper
debate manner and no name calling.

I also ask that people remember the others who have digest
versions that get several posts all together. If that space is wasted
with too many quotes or long sig lines and such then it is rather
rude to those folk.  Quote what you are referring to and not
everything else.

If you state some opinions as fact, expect these guys to make you
back your statements up with documentation. We're a scholarly
group and it really isn't meant to sound pompous but if you can find
a source we don't know about then we want to know. And we all
learn. Many an "expert" has come on here only to realize they don't
know as much as they thought. The good ones stay and contribute
and learn as well.

As far as me just booting off people. That's a rare occurrance and
only happens after several warnings. I'm not mad with my virtual
power on here.  I have also found that committees tend to create
their own set of problems. I weigh every decision I make on this
list and don't step on anyone lightly.

This IS my house and everyone here is a guest. But I'm also
Swedish in ancestry and Southern by raising so I believe very much
in Guest-right. I treat everyone here as honored and appreciate them
for visiting. I serve them free tea and chips and ask them to simply
behave as civilized visitors. It's very rare indeed that I need to take
Bruno from the closet and call out the Brute Squad.


Evil List Administrator.

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