Cheese Goo was Re: [Sca-cooks] What happened to the archives?

Kerri Martinsen kerrimart at
Tue Apr 11 06:48:21 PDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
>> Otherwise known as Savory Toasted Cheese  = STC = Atlantian Crack.
>> Droool....
>> Vitha
>> (back to lurking)
>Don't go back to lurking quite yet.  Tell us what kind of cheese and
>condiments are favorite in Atlantia!  That goes for everyone else who are
>Cheese Goo pushers in their respective kingdoms as well.
STC is actually listed in the Chataline's Glossery:

STC: Savory toasted cheese, a blend of molten white soft cheeses (generally including brie) poured over steamed vegetables, a favorite dish of many Atlantians. Recipes and blends may vary, but most seem to be based on Cariadoc's redaction of a recipe from The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby, Opened, published in 1669.

Most recipies call for a combination of Brie, cream cheese & butter.  Some add Camembert, some Farmers:

Of Course there is the Digby recipe:
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup cream cheese
1/4 lb. Brie or farmers cheese
2 Tbsp. whole milk
1/4 tsp. white pepper

Melt butter. Melt cream cheese in butter. Add milk. Cut up the farmer's cheese and stir it into the mixture over low heat. You may want to use a whisk to blend the two together, though a spoon will do. When you have a uniform, creamy sauce you are done. Serve over toast, put on toast and broil for 30 seconds to 1 minute, mix in (or serve over) things like asparagus, bacon, sautéed onions, etc.
>From Sir Kenneth Digby's Closet Unlocked - Redaction by al-Sayyid A'aql ibn Ras al-Zib

I've seen people scoop it out of bowls with literally anything on the table - veges, beef, bread....

I've never served it.  I figure there are enough other feasts that have it for people to get their fill.


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