[Sca-cooks] Re: Food-related Meta-Issue

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 20 01:05:40 PDT 2006

--- Tom Vincent <tom.vincent at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   'Best' of period royalty:  Go to any Renn Faire.  The crowns are charming, elegant, graceful,
> entertaining, praiseworthy, carry themselves regally, don't break character, dress the part, are
> shown deference & respect.  What's wrong with that?

>   Duriel

Because at the Ren Faires, the crowns and their courts are actors following scripts.  
Sometimes the scripts are very complex, but they are scripts nonetheless.  And I have 
seen these actors, while still in character, be very rude to people who are not in 
their cast. They have nothing to win or lose. It is just a giant play to them.

The SCA, on the otherhand, is not scripted.  And our crowns have positions of importance 
to our group, although not necessarily to the real world.  Kings can create "laws" and 
affect changes as to how our game is played.  They can elevate someone to higher status.  
They can banish a person from participating in our game.  They are honored, given lip 
service to by toadies and sycophants. and have almost their every whim catered to.  The 
good kings are loved and don't make the SCA unbearable to their subjects.  The bad kings 
are like brats who make life and the SCA miserable to their subjects.  But how can you 
know who is which, unless they have reigned before?  And who is to determine who is good 
and who is bad?  I can guarantee that a kingdom with 500 members will have 503 different
interpretations of that. 


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