[Sca-cooks] Wines at a Feast **The New Policy**

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Fri Apr 21 17:19:30 PDT 2006

At 04:13 PM 4/21/2006, you wrote:

>I must respectfully disagree with the statement that this is a new rule.  As
>a former autocrat and seneschal, we discussed this issue at one point during
>the planning stage of an event I assisted with.  The rule was already in the
>books back then, and this was several years ago.  Now, having said this,
>they may have made some changes to the language, which would account for it
>appearing to be a new rule.

Well, I'm also a retired seneschal and autocrat (lead weights on that hand 
now!), and I don't remember it being written this way. I do remember it 
having been changed since I've been on this list, which is 6, nearly 7 
years. I don't however have an old paper copy to compare with.

The rule as it stands now- and this is cut-and-paste from the corporate site:

>Manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving, or furnishing of alcoholic 
>beverages by the SCA or its branches or subdivisions is prohibited within 
>the United States and its territories.
>The use of any SCA funds for the purchase of potable alcohol, except for 
>such quantities as may be necessary for cooking, is prohibited in the 
>United States and its territories.
>Officers are not prohibited from serving alcohol; however, it must be done 
>as individuals, and not as part of their official duties as officers. 
>6April 7, 2006 revision Corporate Policies of the SCA, Inc. April 7, 2006 
>Officers are not prohibited from giving gifts of alcohol; however, it must 
>be done as individuals, and not as part of their official duties as 
>officers. Giving or receiving gifts of alcohol in court is not considered 
>to be part of an officer's official duties.

The section in strikeout appears to have been cut for the sin of redundancy.

My last recollection was that the policy was that alcohol could be served, 
but could not be paid for by the branch, or sold by the branch; mead made 
by a member could be shared though. I know that we did this at an event 
that I cratted in <mumbldy-mumble> '91 or '92 (made mead and served it as 
part of the feast). We didn't serve any at subsequent events, so I am not 
as clear on what the rules were in the intervening years.

>Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided by the group hosting the event,
>regardless of how it is presented.  Individuals can serve and provide
>alcoholic beverages at their own risk, but every occasion I have seen this
>happen the individuals required photo ID's for proof of age before serving
>or providing alcohol, to cover their own arse.  Most groups tend to
>discourage even this, due to the possible legal issues if an underage person
>does manage to obtain alcohol and gets drunk and does somthing stupid while
>under the influence.
>Elizabeta of Rundel

An excellent summation.

-feeling rather old and tired now
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something 
else is more important than fear.   --Ambrose Redmoon 

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