[Sca-cooks] *&^%$ Feastocrat!, was: Wines at a Feast

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 22 12:16:56 PDT 2006

Adele de Maisieres wrote:
>Tom Vincent wrote:
>  >   Glad to see that someone has experienced that.  I will 
>recommend it to the feastocrat next time.
>Is it just me who hates that f-word?

We hatesssss it, too, we doezzzz, yessss, yessss, nassssty f*word.

Urta... Gollem...

Uh, errr, that darn ring is affecting my writing, let me take it 
off... now, where was i, oh, yes...

I call myself Head Cook when i am in charge of deciding the menu 
(although sometimes the Autocrat (ooo, ooo A*word) requests a 
particular style or the tradition of the feast sets a standard), 
selecting the recipes, buying the raw materials, and cooking the 
food, while directing other cooks. To me a "Kitchen Steward" or 
similar steward-involving expression would imply that the person is a 
manager, but not hands-on.

Before i cooked my first SCA feast, i was told that i shouldn't 
actually cook, just direct/manage. I gather that's how my predecessor 
ran that particular feast, but i can't imagine not cooking, too! I 
gather that some entities (branches, events, whatever) do have a 
tradition of a Feast Steward who is a manager only and doesn't get 
their hands into the food. But i like to get my hand in the food, as 
it were...
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

i'm not Irish, so i'm don't call me Feest O'Cratt

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