[Sca-cooks] Tomatoes( was Philip)

Barbara Benson voxeight at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 19:08:52 PST 2006

> Bear> What similar dishes appear in the Medieval and Spanish corpus?  How do they
> compare with some of the modern recipes for paella?


I would have to go and re-do a goodly bit of reasearch, but when I was
looking into the Arabic corpus for a recent feast I do specifically
remember looking for rice recipes (in Anon Andalusian and the texts in
Med Arab Cookery).

The thing that I remember being the most frustrating was that it was
almost impossible to find a rice dish that did not contain a goodly
amount of meat. I remember looking at a couple of recipes and thinking
to myself "If I didn't know better I would think this is a recipe for 
(insert meat) Fried Rice".

So indeed, I think that the Arabic direction might be an interesting
avenue of pursuit for the ancestors of paella.

Glad Tidings,
Serena da Riva

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