[Sca-cooks] Hellooooo......

marilyn traber 011221 phlip at 99main.com
Mon Mar 20 06:13:14 PST 2006

> Amen, sister!  Most are, at least in Atlantia.  However, we do still 
> run across those who are less than appreciative.  Unfortunately, the 
> current administration, both ceremonial and business, of our local 
> Barony, doesn't appear to have a clue.  We constantly have to fight 
> not only to get sufficient funding for feasts, but we have problems 
> getting money to purchase needed equipment.  This is a situation 
> that has never existed before in the history of our group, so it 
> really makes it so folks just don't want to get involved.  There are 
> four of us who cook events, one of these being my husband (so it 
> really is just 3 as we work together for any feasts one of us cooks),
>  and we can't seem to get anyone else involved, even though there 
> are people who have the ability...organizational and culinary...to 
> do so.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to how to bring this point home to 
> these folks?

Yep. Wait until they ptbs commit to a major event, and all 4 of you simply 
abstain from volunteering, whether as Head Cook, or as assistants to whoever 
comes in to be Head Cook.

One of two things is going to happen- either someone else will volunteer and 
do an excellent job, at which point you now have an additional volunteer to 
call on, or they either won't volunteer, or won't do an excellent job, at 
which point you've proven your point.

People who haven't done it just don't realize what kind of effort is required 
for the feasts we do. Cooking for a hundred or twpopeople just isn't like 
stretching a recipe for a couple of unexpected guests. It's a lot of hard 
work, requiring a lot of careful planning- I don't think any of us has done 
less than a week's worth of effort before we even get to the site, and I 
think these folks don't see that. Truthfully, you'd hafta pay a hefty dollar, 
if you wanted to pay me to do for you, what we cheerfully do for each other 
for "free", and that's "IF" you could find someone to do it for you- your 
average professional caterer just isn't interested.


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